How to Set Up Site Search Tracking

Are you interested in what your visitors are searching for while on your site? Site search tracking can be enabled within your Google Analytics (GA4) property by configuring the Enhanced measurement option.

By default, when connecting ExactMetrics and Google Analytics, the Enhanced measurement option is automatically disabled since downloads tracking, outbound link tracking, and etc, is already provided by ExactMetrics. However, when manually enabled, it can be used to measure Site Search.

To start, go to » Admin » Data streams.

Click into your data stream and turn on the Enhanced measurement option. Click on the gear or settings icon to customize the option.

On the next page, enable Site Search while disabling the other options and click Save.

You’re done! Site search tracking has been enabled for your data stream.

For more comprehensive insights outside of Google Analytics, we highly recommend SearchWP. With SearchWP, you’ll gain access to a wealth of valuable information into your top search results for the week, month, and year. This data will enable you to understand which search queries are most popular among your visitors and tailor your content accordingly. You’ll also be able to see which searches are not showing any results.

Learn more about SearchWP by visiting their website: