ExactMetrics vs. Google Site Kit: What’s the Difference?

ExactMetrics vs. Google Site Kit: What's the Difference?

Are you trying to compare ExactMetrics vs. Google Site Kit for your WordPress site?

Using a Google Analytics plugin is a great way to add Google Analytics to your website. Both ExactMetrics and Google Site Kit make it very easy to set up Google Analytics — you just need to connect the plugin with Google Analytics, and you’re done!

However, the other features of these two plugins are quite different. In this article, we’ll compare Site Kit and ExactMetrics so that you can decide which one is better for your WordPress site.

How does Google Site Kit stack up against ExactMetrics? Let’s find out.

ExactMetrics is the best WordPress Analytics plugin. Get it for free!

ExactMetrics vs. Google Site Kit

Now, let’s deeply dive into the differences between these two popular tools. Here’s what we’ll discuss:

1. Installations & Connetions

Let’s first look at the installations and connections that each plugin offers.

Both plugins can connect with a Google Search Console property to bring some of your keyword data into your WordPress dashboard. They also connect with Google Ads to help you track conversions from people clicking on your ads.

Google Site Kit can also connect and install your Google Tag Manager code. ExactMetrics doesn’t have this feature, as most users find they don’t need Google Tag Manager when ExactMetrics tracks many of the events you’d need it for.

Google Site Kit also connects with Google AdSense and adds the AdSense code to your site.

ExactMetrics, on the other hand, also connects with:

2. Reports

Both ExactMetrics and Google Site Kit include reports in your WordPress dashboard. However, the reports they offer differ substantially. Let’s take a look at the reports available in each tool.

Google Site Kit Reports

Google Site Kit provides a single page with reports from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Ads, Google AdSense, and PageSpeed Insights, as long as you have connected them. Here’s what you’ll find in Google Site Kit reports:

  • An Overview report that provides traffic sources, countries, and devices used to access your site
  • A Traffic report that pulls impressions and clicks from Search Console, unique visitors from search, and key events (conversions) from Google Analytics
  • A Top Search Queries report that shows your site’s top keywords from Google Search Console
  • A Top Content report that shows your top pages’ pageviews, engagement rate, sessions, and session duration numbers from Google Analytics
  • A Speed report that shows your PageSpeed Insights results
  • A Monetization report that shows your AdSense earnings

ExactMetrics Reports

ExactMetrics provides a comprehensive dashboard with various reports. The exact reports you can access depend on which license (or Lite version) you have.

However, regardless of your license or version, you will have access to the Overview report, which gives you overall data about your site, such as the number of sessions, pageviews, average session duration, and total users:

EM overview report

Overview Report: Provides overall data about sessions, pageviews, average session duration, and total users.

New vs Returning Visitors and Device Breakdown: Presents data on new vs returning visitors and a device breakdown.

returning vs new and device breakdown

Top Referrals and Countries: Displays top referral sources and countries driving traffic. You can use this data to find new partnership opportunities, target different regions with marketing campaigns, or create content for users from top regions.

top countries and referrals

Top Posts and Pages: Shows top posts and pages by page views.

Top Posts / Pages

Additionally, ExactMetrics offers these reports:

3. Advanced Features

Google Site Kit doesn’t offer advanced features beyond connecting to various Google tools and providing a basic reports dashboard. If you want eCommerce tracking, you’ll need to learn how to set it up with Google Tag Manager or hire an Analytics expert.

For other advanced features, like form submission tracking and video tracking, you would need to use the Google Analytics Enhanced Measurement feature (which has its limitations) or Google Tag Manager.

Alternatively, ExactMetrics can set up these advanced tracking features for you with just a few clicks.

Let’s explore some of these advanced features available in ExactMetrics.

Form Conversion Tracking

An advantage of using ExactMetrics over Google Site Kit is the ability to track form conversions on your website automatically—no extra setup is needed.

Forms report EM

The Form Conversion Tracking addon by ExactMetrics makes it incredibly easy to track all types of forms on your site. It supports popular WordPress form plugins.

Just install the plugin, activate the addon, and let ExactMetrics handle the rest.

Track eCommerce Performance

Do you want to understand how well your online store is doing? With ExactMetrics, you can easily monitor your eCommerce store’s performance.

Using the eCommerce addon, you’ll get insights into your store’s conversion rate, the number of transactions, revenue, average order value, and more.

eCommerce Report ExactMetrics

Here’s a comprehensive guide to tracking eCommerce performance using ExactMetrics.

Effortlessly Make Your Site GDPR Compliant

ExactMetrics provides another feature that Google Site Kit lacks—GDPR compliance.

It offers an easy-to-use EU Compliance addon to disable tracking and anonymize user information.

Simply enable the options to disable demographics, user ID tracking, and more. This way, you can comply with privacy laws without any coding.

For more information about making your site compliant in the EU, check out our complete guide on GDPR and ExactMetrics.

AI Tools

Finally, another significant advantage of ExactMetrics over Google Site Kit is the inclusion of AI tools.

With Conversations AI inside the ExactMetrics dashboard, you can chat with your Analytics to quickly access the stats that matter.

Simply type your question, and Conversations AI will fetch the specific data you need, whether it’s user behavior, traffic patterns, top landing pages, or conversion rates:

top landing pages - conversations AI

AI Insights provides automatic insights into your data, spotting trends and anomalies to help you make informed decisions. Just click to see curated observations about your website traffic and how to improve your site:

These AI tools revolutionize the way business owners interact with their analytics, making it easier to understand and act on data without sifting through multiple reports.

There are many features and reports you’ll want to explore. Visit the ExactMetrics Pricing page to see what’s included at each license level.

4. Price

Finally, let’s compare the two in terms of price.

Google Site Kit is a free plugin. Like many other Google tools, this plugin has no cost.

ExactMetrics also offers a free basic version (Lite version), which includes the Overview report, outbound link tracking, affiliate link tracking, telephone and email link click tracking, and more.

If you need more features, you can choose from different license levels:

  • ExactMetrics Plus: Adds GDPR compliance, more detailed reports, full date range history, scroll tracking, media tracking, and more. ExactMetrics Plus costs $99.60 per year.
  • ExactMetrics Pro: Includes everything in Plus, plus form submission tracking, eCommerce tracking, author tracking, focus keyword tracking, and additional features. ExactMetrics Pro costs $199.60 per year.
  • ExactMetrics Agency: Includes everything in Pro, plus an Exceptions report and alerts, Site Notes automation, multisite support, and more. ExactMetrics Agency costs $399.60 per year.

ExactMetrics vs. Google Site Kit: Which One Is the Best?

ExactMetrics is the clear winner when compared to Google Site Kit.

While Google Site Kit has the advantage of being a free plugin, the comprehensive features and ease of use provided by ExactMetrics justify its cost.

ExactMetrics offers in-depth eCommerce tracking, form conversion tracking, and advanced GDPR compliance, making it ideal for business owners who need detailed insights.

Additionally, ExactMetrics introduces AI-powered tools like Conversations AI and AI Insights, allowing users to access and understand their data effortlessly.

These features, combined with seamless integration with popular WordPress plugins, give ExactMetrics a significant edge over Google Site Kit.

Get started with ExactMetrics today!

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